Yesterday's 4 mile walk in the rain started at 35th Avenue NE and NE 70th Street. Winding my way to 36th Avenue and turning south, I noted vegetation-lined sidewalks. At 68th, it appeared that the shingled houses to the north had been built by one developer and the Arizona brick houses to the south had been built by another. I wonder how much longer the distinction will be evident because many of the original houses have been replaced or remodeled and are no longer "modest."
Turning east on 65th, I noted a lot on 37th that now houses three new homes. At 40th, I entered PCC and was shocked by the prices - inflation has really hit. The Little Free Cookbook Library out side contained only two books.
Across 65th, I walked through the puddles of the empty Bryant Playground. Then, continuing east on 65th, I passed the Mikvah at 43rd. I don't remember if it had a children's outdoor playarea 12 years ago but it does now.Having already passed through or along side Wedgwood, Bryant and Hawthorne Hills, at 50th Avenue, I came to a sign for View Ridge. Turning north...... I admired the views from the ridge and noted a house with what appeared to be a solar panel on one side of the house rather than on the roof. It almost looked like an architectural feature or a privacy screen. Next I turned east at 70th Street.Residents here are pretty serious about enforcing the speed limit.
I walked 70th to the Burke Gilman Trail and turned north. Just south of View Ridge Pool, I noted a plaque to trees that had been killed by an illegal herbicide application in 2008.
I only passed one Little Free Library on this walk and it contained a varied assortment from children's books and magazines to novels, a book in German and quite a few copies of the Economist.
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