Today was too beautiful a day not to take a walk. A chore took me to the Stevens Neighborhood on Capitol Hill. I knew I had started near a low point in Madison Valley as I walked up from E Madison Street along the steep hill on Roy Street. At 22nd Avenue E, I passed the athletic center behind the distinctive dome of Holy Names Academy. Approaching 19th Avenue E, I spotted shops and restaurants. I continued past some beautiful, tree-lined streets until coming to ...

 15th Avenue E with its shops, new construction and new 'paid parking' blocks.

The area close to 15th is home to Kaiser Permanente and some lovely old apartment buildings.

Heading back east, I noted many lovely older homes, Saint Joseph's Church, Meany Middle School, ...

... houses decorated for Halloween, and ...

... at 24th and Mercer, a view of Lake Washington and the Eastside.

Back on Madison, I marveled at a big hole where City People's once stood and ...

... read the inscriptions on these stones in memory of Kate Fleming who died in 2006 when a flash flood trapped her in her basement recording studio. The tall pillar reads "be a light    be a flame    beam a beacon"; it reminded me of another memorial stone I had passed further up the hill.

This one was in memory of Torleif Lister Samuelsen who died in 2023 at the age of 24.

Along this 5 mile walk, I passed two Little Free Libraries. They contained fiction, nonfiction, young adult books, and video games.


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