Yesterday, a friend and I walked in Wallingford. We encountered businesses along 45th and mostly quiet streets south of this busy area. Many had lovely gardens, one featured well tended grape vines.
This sculpture was outside the Wallingford Center on 45th.

This mural was on the side of an Afghan restaurant.

These steps on a quiet street ...

... led to this staircase.

This sidewalk art ...

... provided a posting spot for this poem.

On Corliss Avenue, north of 42nd, we spotted this "Art in the Yard." The artist, Brooke Borcherding, displays a different piece of art every day. She will be having a Studio Show August 30th to September 1st with over 100 paintings in the yard.
On this 4.5 mile walk, we spotted one Little Free Pantry, two churches (Wallingford United Methodist and First Church of the Nazarene),  one play tree (with a swing and climbing devices), and six Little Free Libraries. They contained  children's books, cookbooks, in addition to books on diet, health, sociology, travel, home repairs, and parenting. 


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