Finally back walking again, this dreary May day found me in the North College Park neighborhood around North Seattle College. Part of the walk was through the campus which was very quiet this Saturday morning.

This Proposed Land Use Action sign was at the corner of N 92nd Street & College Way N. The college will be leasing the property to a low income housing organization which will build 200 units of affordable housing. 

Just east of the proposed building site, the Licton Springs P-Patch was busy this morning.

Here is a view of the John Lewis Memorial Bridge from the campus which is now connected to the Northgate Light Rail station.

Before exiting the school, I spotted a cooperative preschool and a sign noting that part of the campus is a wetland critical area.

I was able to walk south from College Way N to Burke Avenue N but this pedestrian path prevented cars from doing so.

Spotting this sign at N 88th, I proceeded to find ...

... this stairway up to Meridian Avenue N.
Walking as far south as N 85th Street, I noted a mix of houses, tree coverage, street edges, and street surfaces. Some of the streets were cement, some were tar-like. Some streets had sidewalks, others did not. Mosts of the lots were modestly sized; some had one older home, others had skinny homes or backyard homes or multiple homes under construction. Even when I was on low traffic, dead-end streets, the I-5 noise was always present. My walk abutted Cascadia Elementary School, Bishop Blanchet High School, I-5, and the 85th Street I-5 entrance/exit. I was not able to walk east from Meridian along the north side of 85th or to cross 85th at that point. 

There must be children living in this neighborhood because Burke Avenue between 90th and 92nd is designated a Play Street on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 7:30.

On this 4.5 mile walk, I spotted  zero public toilets and two Little Free Libraries. The Libraries contained fiction, nonfiction and children's books.



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