A friend and I were dressed for rain this morning as we walked the Wallingford neighborhood but we stayed dry. Our walk started near Lincoln High School and quickly passed by ...

... a lovely traffic circle dedicated to "Lita" Byrnes. Decorated rocks reminded us to "be kind."

We admired a colorful street mural and ...

... and some street art  before coming to the Wallingford Presbyterian Church and ...

... Hamilton Middle School. We also passed the old Interlake Public School which is now apartments and the Wallingford Center.

We walked through Wallingford Playfield Park  and ...
... along some quiet streets populated by single family homes, mostly modest but ...

... some with lovely architectural detail.

We spotted a  "Bigfoot Xing" sign and ...

... a tree stump decorated with birdhouses before stopping for a delicious lunch at Grand Central Bakery. 45th is a busy, commercial street and we had been surprised to find such quiet streets south of 45th and hope that they are able maintain their charm and that Wallingford can continue to reflect some of its history.
Along our 2.5 mile walk, we passed one public restroom in Wallingford Playfield Park and noted seven Little Free Libraries. The libraries contained children's books, hiking books, diet books, education books, biographies, fiction, and gardening books. 


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