
Showing posts from May, 2024
  A friend and I were dressed for rain this morning as we walked the Wallingford neighborhood but we stayed dry. Our walk started near Lincoln High School and quickly passed by ... ... a lovely traffic circle dedicated to "Lita" Byrnes. Decorated rocks reminded us to "be kind." We admired a colorful street mural and ... ... and some street art  before coming to the Wallingford Presbyterian Church and ... ... Hamilton Middle School. We also passed the old Interlake Public School which is now apartments and the Wallingford Center. We walked through Wallingford Playfield Park  and ... ... along some quiet streets populated by single family homes, mostly modest but ... ... some with lovely architectural detail. We spotted a  "Bigfoot Xing" sign and ... ... a tree stump decorated with birdhouses before stopping for a delicious lunch at Grand Central Bakery. 45th is a busy, commercial street and we had been surprised to find such quiet streets south of 45th and
  It was a lovely day for a walk and the Green Lake and North College Park neighborhoods were at their best on this Spring day. Resisting the urge to walk around Green Lake, I stuck to the streets which were mostly residential but did house some cafes and restaurants along Green Lake Way. Bishop Blanchet High School and its football field took up almost the equivalent of  three city blocks. Northwest's Child Aaron's Place run by the Washington Autism Alliance abuts the school property. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church is nearby. Here is a mural from Cascadia Elementary School which abuts the area. There were quite a few dead-end streets where the neighborhood hugged I-5 and busy N 85th Street but most of them were quiet and lovely. All the streets had curbs and sidewalks were present alongside most properties. Many of the streets were cement. One property owner had interestingly landscaped the parking swag. Here and there, I glimpsed views of the downtown skyline. This pictu
Finally back walking again, this dreary May day found me in the North College Park neighborhood around North Seattle College. Part of the walk was through the campus which was very quiet this Saturday morning. This Proposed Land Use Action sign was at the corner of N 92nd Street & College Way N. The college will be leasing the property to a low income housing organization which will build 200 units of affordable housing.  Just east of the proposed building site, the Licton Springs P-Patch was busy this morning. Here is a view of the John Lewis Memorial Bridge from the campus which is now connected to the Northgate Light Rail station. Before exiting the school, I spotted a cooperative preschool and a sign noting that part of the campus is a wetland critical area. I was able to walk south from College Way N to Burke Avenue N but this pedestrian path prevented cars from doing so. Spotting this sign at N 88th, I proceeded to find ... ... this stairway up to Meridian Avenue N. Walking a