This sunny February day found me back in the Haller Lake neighborhood. I walked streets near both Ingraham High School and Lakeside School. A few of the streets curved or crossed each other. Someone has made good use of this intersection at Wayne Place NE.

Most streets have a mix of modest houses, some small, older cottages, some probably built in the 70's, and few newer. This tidy development on Wayne Place is an instance of the newer. The area is quiet and most of the homes appeared to be on good condition.

Few of the streets had sidewalks. Busy 145th Street did but most of Roosevelt Way N did not. Some stretches of Roosevelt were not conducive to walking because the street edges were quite narrow and there was enough traffic to make it dangerous.

This church building appears to house a Korean congregation, True Light Church in Seattle, and Converge Northwest, an organization devoted to strengthening churches.

Along this 5 mile walk, I spotted four Little Free Libraries. They contained children's books, magazines, novels, text books, games, reusable drink cups, and a Ted Lasso devotional candle.


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