Today's walk in the Haller Lake neighborhood was dominated by two things - Northacres Park and the noise from I-5. It had been a long time since I was in the park and I had forgotten how forested it is. There were trails through the trees but also picnic tables, ...

... soccer fields with a view of I-5, ...

... a playground, a wading pool, and ...

... an off-leash area with a long dog run.

The park is surrounded by quite a few dead-end streets that I would have considered quiet if it were not for the constant noise from I-5.

There were a few private lanes leading to homes on Haller Lake. If I remember correctly, I will be able to get to the lake when I walk on the north and west sides of the lake another day.

A light rail stop is planned for 130th Street and changes are being proposed for the streets leading to the station.

I wonder if the estimations are correct that 3,000 - 3,700 people a day will use this station and that 90% of them will arrive at the station by walking, biking, rolling or transit.

On this 3 mile walk, I passed James Baldwin Elementary School, the Northgate Open Bible Church, and St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church. I also passed one Little Free Library. It contained contemporary novels and a few classics.


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