The Huskies had an away game today so my husband and I thought it might be a good day to take our granddog for a walk in the area around The Center for Urban Horticulture.

We started by walking on the boardwalk through the Yesler Swamp.

We learned a bit about the site history - Henry Yesler built a sawmill here.

We spotted a heron.

Winding our way back to the Center, we admired the grounds.

We almost meditated while walking the Baltic Labyrinth.

We walked as far as the bridge over Ravenna Creek and looked at the UW campus on the other side.

Circling back through the Union Bay Natural Area, we read about Climate Ready Landscape Plants. We could see the UW Farm in the distance.

Finishing up our 2 mile walk, we came across a bulletin board which listed three separate sightings of a deer and a fawn between the 25th and 28th of August.


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