Rain threatened during today's walk in the Green Lake and Wallingford neighborhoods. Starting out just west of I-5 at NE 60th Street, ...

... I came across a work party at Freeway Estates Community Orchard. A bulletin board advertised a request for volunteers and the 13th Annual Cider Fest on October 21st from 2 to 4 PM. I do remember this orchard from my prior walks which started 13 years ago.

Continuing north then turning east, I walked under I-5.

Walking west along 65th, I could have gotten a tattoo, eaten a tamale or Thai food or stopped in at the friendly Latona Pub by the time I reached Latona Avenue. 

I wound up walking some of the northern streets multiple times before ...

... walking south along 5th Avenue from 60th to 50th Street. This was probably a lovely neighborhood of modest homes before I-5 cut through it. For quite a few blocks, trees block views of I-5 but not the noise. Closer to 50th Street, there aren't even trees and I-5 is ever present.

The streets are quite steep in this area and many of the sidewalks between 5th and Latona are ridged.

Except for the commercial strips near 65th and Latona, this is an area of single family homes. Some have lovely gardens. I did spot one lot where three new homes had been built but this infilling was not as common as in some other neighborhoods - maybe due to the I-5 noise.

On this 6 mile walk, I passed a mailbox, Samaritan Center, ...

... and some colorful vegetation.

I passed four Little Free Libraries. They contained children's books (including some in Korean), parenting books, novels, and a book about the 2019 Mariners.


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