Today's walk in the Windermere neighborhood had me back on streets where I was never sure if I were on a street or an avenue.
I started out at the Fisheries Research Center east of the Magnuson Park entrance where I noticed this sign. A mural Community Paint Day and a tour of the facility looked like a reason to return on July 8th.

Walking west along NE 65th Street, I quickly came to this entrance to 65th Avenue NE.

To the east, I noted an entrance to a trail leading to Promontory Point - another reason to return.

To the west, I spotted the Radford Court Apartments. I would amble through this tidy complex before this walk was over.

Continuing south along 65th Avenue, I quickly came to homes that made me realize I was in Windermere.

After roaming near waterfront home, I worked my way back to 61st Street where I observed a Radford Court P-Patch and ...

... then, at 60th Avenue, this staircase which ...

... took me past another P-Patch, ...

... this one attached to Sand Point Elementary School. This school reopened in 2010 so it may or may not have open the last time I walked this street.
Out on Sand Point Way, I spotted the Archives and noted that I had missed the free Solstice Night pizza at Pagliacci's. I don't think they had outdoor seating 13 years ago.
Back at 65th Street and the entrance to Magnuson Park, I noted this new small home development.
Along my 4.5 mile walk, I spotted a sign telling me that Fiber Internet was here - provided by Quantum Fiber. I also noted two Little Free Libraries. They contained mostly novels and children's books.


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