The sun was shining today as my husband and I took a 2+ mile walk in the Windermere neighborhood. We walked streets south and east of 60th Avenue NE and NE 60th Street. The neighborhood has not changed much in 12 years. Perhaps a few remodels and, maybe, a knock down. We did see a large construction site on the water side of Windermere Road.This neighborhood slopes down to the lake and we caught water views in many places. We saw a few groups of people out walking; they all smiled and wished us a good afternoon. I don't know if the demographics of the neighborhood has changed.
We spotted a massive hedge and noted the large, well-tended lots, curbs on both sides of the avenues, sidewalks on the west sides and underground utilities throughout the area.
We pass three Little Free Libraries. They contained Children's books, Young Adult books, novels, a Bible, an AA Text and a publication about the differently abled.
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