
Showing posts from July, 2024
  Yesterday, a friend and I walked in Wallingford. We encountered businesses along 45th and mostly quiet streets south of this busy area. Many had lovely gardens, one featured well tended grape vines. This sculpture was outside the Wallingford Center on 45th. This mural was on the side of an Afghan restaurant. These steps on a quiet street ... ... led to this staircase. This sidewalk art ... ... provided a posting spot for this poem. On Corliss Avenue, north of 42nd, we spotted this "Art in the Yard." The artist, Brooke Borcherding, displays a different piece of art every day. She will be having a Studio Show August 30th to September 1st with over 100 paintings in the yard. On this 4.5 mile walk, we spotted one Little Free Pantry, two churches (Wallingford United Methodist and First Church of the Nazarene),  one play tree (with a swing and climbing devices), and six Little Free Libraries. They contained  children's books, cookbooks, in addition to books on diet, health, s
  Today's walk took me to the varied streets of Wallingford. Some of the streets were quiet, tree-lined and included mostly single family homes.  Other streets saw single family homes being replaced by two homes  or abutted I-5 (or both). 45th is a busy street with lots of shop, restaurants and businesses and quite a few murals. The area is home to John Stanford International School housed in the old Latona Elementary School. This sign (across from Westward Restaurant) lead me to ... ... this spot. It looked as if a brew pub would be opening adjacent to this beach area. The Burke Gilman Trail runs through this area. This staircase along the trail gives just a sample of the lovely flowers I admired during this walk. This new building along the trail (and across from Dunn Lumber) includes a plaza area available for public use. Its lower level is a Dunn Lumber Warehouse and it appears there will be offices and a restaurant on the upper levels. This sign lead me to ... ... this view. W